Wiki Science Competition welcomes a new international sponsor for the 2019 edition: Q-SORT!

The Q-SORT project is developing a new generation of electron microscopes: so-called “Quantum Sorters,” able to probe delicate specimens with extremely low sample damage. The potential benefits of such tools include, but are not limited to, the ability to determine protein structures that could lead to new drug designs for healthcare and next-generation biomedicine.
Q-SORT will be offering two special prizes for the best image within the Wiki Science Competition contest: one for the best image in the category “People in Science” and the other for the best image in the category “Microscopy images”.
The special Q-SORT prizes for the Wiki Science Competition seek to promote excellence in image craft and aim to leverage the appeal of high-impact imagery to further the visibility of both Q-SORT and Wikipedia. The two prizes are worth 100 Euros each. The photos will be selected among all national finalists.
In order to evaluate all the images, one person from the Q-SORT consortium (Andreas Thust) will also join the 2019 international jury.
Q-SORT has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No 766970 Q-SORT (H2020-FETOPEN-1-2016-2017)