A special prize will be offered to the best image of Wiki Science Competition 2017 from the People’s Republic of China. The prize will be offered by juror Alessandro Marchetti as a personal show of gratitude for his two year stay in this country.
A winner will be selected from the Chinese finalists, and he or she will be offered a short weekend in the West Lake UNESCO World Heritage Site, including a free 2nd class train ticket back and forth to Hangzhou, Zhejiang, dinner at the restaurant and a one-night stay at a nice international youth hostel close to the scenic lake area. For people living close to the area who can come in one day, a simple back and forth ticket and a 1000 yuan cash prize can be offered.
In case no Chinese picture will qualify for the final round, this special national prize can still be awarded, unless the quality of all images is considered too low.
On Saturday 17th, Gabriel Murillo Morales received his 1000 yuan prize for the best WSC2017 entry from China. He won the prize thanks to his set of images about “biodiesel synthesis” (see all the Chinese winners). We praised his effort to upload many informative images with a very detailed description and related to unpublished research results. The work described in the set of images was conducted at the Key laboratory of Molecular Biophysics of the Ministry of Education, College of Life Science and Technology. Huazhong University of Science and Technology, in Wuhan.
The award was given in Prof. Xueqian Kong’s SSNMR Laboratory at ZJU University by Dr. Alessandro Marchetti and Prof. Simon Duttwyler.